I had a supervision meeting with my Executive Director today and we talked about how things are going but we also talked about what's to come at the agency. I really like this kind of discussion as it opens our eyes to the possibilities and helps us to create a road map. While I am a self-starter, I also like to know the general direction I should be moving in. Sometimes swimming alone out there gets lonely!
My goals for the 2011-2012 school year include increasing (introducing) documentation panels to our teaching teams and helping them create appropriate documentation; introducing new and exciting materials to the classrooms (different writing utensils, different sized papers, etc); and focusing on the physical environments (get. the. clutter. out). These are the things my supervisor is hoping to see change in the next year. I'd like to throw my own personal goal in there as well: respecting tiny humans as people. They deserve nothing less than what we'd want for ourselves.
News came through the pipeline today regarding support for me as well; I got the go-ahead to post for a 0-3 Education Coordinator. This position will complement my role as the 3-5 Coordinator and will allow me to better support my preschool classroom teams and children. I would have to monitor 9 classrooms instead of all 16 classrooms. I'm exciting to post the position and see who submits lesson plans -- and I also hope that current coworkers also seize this opportunity to apply. Overall, I am just happy to think I may have someone to constructively vent with at work!
It's hard to believe that July is already half gone, but there is no time like the present to seize the day and make the simple changes that could possibly inspire my teachers to make bigger changes! Maybe I'll inspire myself!
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